Animal Quiz

Date Posted: July 21, 2003

Points Possible: 12 Points Possible

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Part 1 - African Elephants

1. Elephants can eat how much of vegetation everyday?

            50 Pounds    400 Pounds    75 pounds    150 pounds    500 pounds


2. They can drink how many gallons of water in one sitting?

            40 gallons    1 gallon    5 gallons   75 gallons    50 gallons


3. African Elephants can walk how many Miles Per Hour?

            10 MPH    2 MPH    5 MPH   12 MPH    15 MPH


4. The longest tusk recorded was _________feet long & weighed ________pounds.

            5 feet, 230 pounds   230 feet, 5 pounds    10 feet, 230 pounds  

            10 feet, 50 pounds    50 feet, 5,000 pounds


Part 2 - Bengal Tiger

5. Their roar can be heard up to how far away?

            1 mile    50 feet   2 miles   9 miles    they don't roar

6. Tigers purr on when...

            breathing in    breathing out    both breathing in and out  

            don't purr    when they sleep


7. Sexual Maturity of a Bengal Tiger is when they are ___________years old.

            8 years    2-3 years    3-4 years   5-9 years   4-6 years


8. The life span of a Bengal Tiger is ____________.

            15 years    2 years    5 years   6 years    until they have sex


Part 3 - Leopard

9. Can go how long without water?

            2 days   5 days    10 days   20 days   30 days


10. The life span of a leopard is...

            20 years    15 years    13 years   12 years    14 years


11. Sexual Maturity for a Leopard is when they are...

            1-2 years    2-3 years   3-4 years  4-5 years    5-6 years


12. The weight of an average leopard is between how many pounds?

            200-250pounds    275-300 pounds    50-75 pounds 

            80-175 pounds    180-200 pounds



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