Spelling Quiz

Created: September 17, 2003

50 Points Possible



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Part 1: Spelling Rules (4 Points Possible)


            1. I before E except after unless sounding like as in neighbor and .


            2. There are 6 vowels in the English language; they are A, E, I, O, U _______ Y.

                              and      and sometimes     plus      including     ,but not


Part 2: Combine the Morphographs (12 Points Possible)


            3. phone + ed =

            4. stop + ed =

            5. re+ceive+er =

            6. hope + ing =

            7. hop + ing =

            8. use + ing =


Part 3: Word Analysis (Take the words apart) (8 points possible)


            9. loveable =  +

          10. losing = +

          11. decisive = + +

          12. misspelled = + +


Part 4: Commonly Misspelled Words (16 points possible)


          13. _______ going to the store.

                  Their   They're    There  Jonnie


          14. That is ________ game over _______. [check the correct answer(s)]

                  Their   They're    There 


          15. He ___________ smell good.

                  doesn't     dosen't     dose not     dose


          16. I want ____ go ____. [check the correct answer(s)]

                  two   to   too


          17. Can I have _____ scoops of ice cream?

                  two    too   to


          18. Do you _____ what's going on?

                  now    no    know     knew


          19. I saw three ______ today.

                   dear      deer    dears


          20. I don't know what the ________ will look like today.

                   weather    whether    wether   whethar


Part 5: Find the misspelled word (10 points possible)

          21. The sargent has worked with the city for almost twenty years.


          22. What time does the plain land?


          23. I got a paper cut from the envalope.


          24. Last night I heard the saddest tall tail.


          25. Each Christmas we rap ten gifts.





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